Welcome to Seventh Grade Language Arts
Happy New School Year!
It is my hope that 2019-20 will be an exciting and fun-filled year in Room 50!
The seventh grade language arts course is an opportunity for all students to hone their grammar, reading and writing skills.
All students should come to class daily with the following supplies:
- a positive, can-do attitude
- a fully-charged Chromebook
- a LA Binder filled with loose leaf paper, classwork/handouts
- pens(black or blue and red)
- a highlighter
- textbook(s) and/or class novel
- a self-selected, choice reading book
Please contact me with any questions or concerns at lburk@hollandschool.org
Here's to a fabulous seventh grade year! Sincerely, Mrs. Laura Burke

This is my tired dog, Lola. She is a napper, but also likes to read in bed!