- Holland Township School
- Proof of Residency
To finalize any new student registration, Holland Township School requires two proofs of residency.
We require one document from each category below:
Category A-
• The most recent real estate tax bill for my residence showing me as the taxpayer
• A signed lease or deed for my residence
• A closing statement for the purchase of residence
• A notarized affidavit from the owner of my residence and myself stating that I reside at the residence on a full-time basis. Affidavits are available in the school officeCategory B-
• Driver's License or Non- driver Photo Identification Card from NJ Division of Motor Vehicles
• Gas, electric or water bill dated within the past 3 months
• Home/apartment insurance certificate
• First class mail/letter from state or federal agency dated within the past 3 months
• Bank statement dated within the past 60 daysIf you have any questions or concerns please contact the main office at 908-995-2401 Ext 6310, or nholz@hollandschool.org .
Forms may be dropped off to the office or mailed with the attention to Nancy Holzworth.