






















    Message to Parents

                   Please refer to your child's google classroom for the specific science assignments as all of the directions, explanations, and communications will be posted there.  Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or conerns.  



                       We have an exciting year ahead!  Our middle school science courses are aligned with the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards).  Students will engage in laboratory and authentic learning experiences that encourage scientific thinking. They will work in cooperative groupings and will be held responsible for their individual requirements.  

    HMH Science Dimensions is our science program and is designed to make this year of science an exciting one for everyone involved! Each unit contains in-depth lessons that let students explore a variety of concepts related to the topic of study. These units and lessons include projects, hands-on labs, activities, and engineering challenges that provide your student opportunities to step away from their books or computers and actively participate in their learning.

    HMH Science Dimensions will help to build a foundation for how to evaluate evidence, make valid claims, develop reasoning skills, and synthesize information from a variety of sources.



                            All students are required to be responsible for all aspects of their learning experience.  This will include coming prepared to class, completing assignments with maximum effort, turning homework in on time, asking for clarification when needed, and getting work for their absences. 



    Homework:   Assignments will be given on each Monday and will be due on Fridays.    

    Projects:       There will be one to two project per marking period worth either a quiz or test grade.

    Labs:            Labs will vary in points. 

    Quizzes:       There will may be several quizzes per marking period. 

    Tests:           There will be two to three tests per marking period.