Mr. Darren Rogers - 8th & 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher
(908) 995-2401 Voicemail #6433
- Google Classroom posts announcements & assignments with emails reminders sent to student.
- Teacher provided notes, documents, & study guides can be found in Google Classroom.
- Read over notes & textbook on your own to keep the information "fresh" in your mind. Not only right before an assessment.
- "TEXTBOOK & LINKS" has an online textbook that includes content pages, videos, study tools, & other valuable resources.
Grading> 7th Social Studies
- Scores are scored out of 100%
- "THINK" (Do Now) Questions are scored out of 20 points
- Scores are then weighted by using the scoring system shown below.
Late work:
Late homework and projects may be turned in for partial credit. Fifteen points will be deducted for each day that an assignment is missing. After three days the assignment will receive no credit. You will be held accountable for completing all work. Remember that homework and projects are intended to reinforce class work or prepare you for upcoming assignments. Therefore, it is essential to complete assignments in a timely manner. Please be sure to follow all assignment due dates.
Be wise and hand in your work on time and receive full credit for your work. It just makes sense.
100 points per assignment: Quick, easy homework or classwork
200 points per assignment: Quiz or multi-period classwork
300 points per assignment: Smaller test or small project
400 points per assignment: Unit test or larger project