• Immunization Requirements

    Students are required to have the following immunizations as mandated by the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services. A physician's statement showing the specific dates (i.e., month, day and year) of each vaccine must be provided.

    All Students:

    DTaP (Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis): A minimum of 4 doses of DTaP vaccine; provided one dose is given on or after the fourth birthday. Polio (Polio Vaccine): A minimum of 3 doses of polio vaccine is required; provided at least one dose is given on or after the fourth birthday. MMR (Measels, Rubella and Mumps): Two doses are required. If the vaccine has been administered separately, two doses of Measels, one dose of Rubella, and one dose of Mumps is required. Varicella (Chicken Pox): One dose of varicella vaccine given on or after the first birthday or proof of disease immunity. Children that have documented laboratory evidence of previous varicella disease, a physician statement or a parent statement of previous varicella disease do not need to receive the varicella vaccine. Hepatitis B: 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine  

    Pre School Students:

    Hib (Haemophilus influenza type B): Pre-school students, ages 12 to 59 months, 1 dose. Pneumococcal: Pre-school students, ages 12 to 59 months, 1 dose. Influenza: 1 annual dose for all pre-school students  

    Sixth Grade Students:

    Meningococcal: One dose for students entering sixth grade.

    Tdap (Tetanus and acellular pertussis): One dose for students entering sixth grade. Medical or Religious Exemption: A student may be exempted from mandatory immunizations if there is a medical exemption from a licensed physician or certified nurse practitioner. A parent /guardian may request a religious exemption by submitting a signed written statement to the school which explains how the administration of immunizing agents conflicts with the pupil's exercise of religious tenets and practices.

    Additional Resources:

    Minimum Immunization Requirements for School Attendance in NJ

    K-12 Immunization Requirements

    Influenza Vaccine "What You Need to Know"

    Tdap Vaccine "What You Need to Know"

    Meningococcal Vaccine "What You Need to Know"

    Meningococcal Disease - Are you Protected?

    HPV Vaccine: Information for Parents HPV Infection - CDC Fact Sheet