- Holland Township School
- Grant Guidelines
Grant Application Guidelines are in-line with our Mission; to raise funds to support the highest level of educational innovation supporting students, faculty and staff of the public elementary, and middle school in Holland Township. The S.E.E.D Foundation will allocate a limited sum of money for mini-grants each year. Requests may be made throughout the year and will be reviewed by S.E.E.D’s. Certified Teachers and Administrators of the School are eligible to apply for grants. What Projects Are Eligible? All projects that fulfill our mission and are approved by the bourd are eligible. Projects that are innovative in nature and represent a fundamental advance in the manner in which curriculum is taught are most welcome. Grant funds may be used for educational materials and supplies, computer hardware and/or software, scientific or mathematical equipment, printing expenses, periodical or internet subscriptions, field trips, and other uses as part of innovative educational initiatives. Any equipment purchased through this grant becomes the property of the educational institution for which you work at the time of the grant application. Grant requests may be partially or wholly funded. Projects might also explore use and integration of new technologies, expand student experiential learning opportunities and/or engage families and/or communities in education.
How do I apply? Classroom Grant applications should be submitted by application. Project evaluations can include pictures and/or documentation of student activities. Grant recipients also may be asked to present their project results at school district meetings. Questions? e-mail: robinjill@yahoo.com