• Holland Township School is committed to the development of the gifted students entire  well-being, believing they are individuals who require guidance in discovering and cultivating their potentials as unique individuals in their local and global society.  It is the responsibility of the entire staff to meet the needs of gifted students by identifying their gifts and talents and supporting the development of their areas. 


    “Gifted and talented students” means students who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability in one or more content areas when compared to their chronological peers in the local school district and who require modifications of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities. (​NJ 6A:8-3.1) 

    Identification procedures are ongoing for the K-8 gifted and talented students that includes multiple measures. 


      1. Provide variety of appropriate types and levels for acceleration and enrichment in grades.
      2. Curriculum for students in grades K-5 are based on the students learning needs to ensure that the curriculum is aligned with and extends the regular curriculum. 
      3. Students are provided with learning experiences at an appropriate level of challenge based on pre-assessment data.
      4. Design, develop and implement high quality curriculum supported by research based models appropriate for gifted students. 

    Student abilities and needs determine the gifted curriculum.  Intellectual questioning and discussion is the core foundational skills fostered as it will develop throughout the students’ lives. Each student’s program is configured to support this foundation. Gifted students are taught to see the bigger picture, in which there are many issues and outcomes, also open to many interpretations.

    Our youngest gifted students form a knowledge base for later decisions, promoting curiosity and a hunger for creativity and leadership in various academic areas.  Gifted students will develop their communication skills in a variety of forms and outlets , in a non-threatening atmosphere to promote the creative mind to contribute to the well-being and advancement of society. 

    Gifted students are encouraged to work in groups as well as individually to develop their leadership.  Gifted students need the opportunity to learn how to manage themselves as both leaders and followers.