Phone: 9087631276


Mrs. Lisa Nolan

I am so excited to be your 2nd grade teacher this year!  It’s going to be a great year filled with new friends, new adventures, and new discoveries.  I have been teaching at Holland Township School District since 2007.  I enjoy reading, writing, the beach, and most of all MATH!  Let’s make this an incredible year! 

In our classroom you are cared about.  I value your ideas, thoughts, and actions.  You have unique talents and strengths and I can’t wait for you to share them with your classmates and with me.  You will bring so much to our classroom and I cannot wait to meet you!  There is no such thing as perfect and with every mistake we make, we learn.  In our classroom, we commit to putting forth every effort, ask questions, and do our very best.

I believe open communication between a teacher and parent is the key to your child’s success!  Please always feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns throughout the school year.  I want to partner with you in order to best support your child.  I can be reached via email at or 908-995-2401.  Email is the easiest way to reach me with a quicker response.